Customizing your corporate logo

The corporate logo images are stored in the images folder.

  1. Create image files or copy the ones that you want to use. These files are required.

    Your new images must be the same dimensions as the images you are replacing.

    File Width Height Description
    header-ltr.jpg 960px 100px Welcome page header for left-to-right languages such as English.
    header-rtl.jpg 960px 100px Welcome page header for right-to-left languages such as Arabic.
    header-small-ltr.png 580px 100px Log-in page header. This logo is shown in the log-in page. Candidates can see it when they click a link to Candidate Space in an email message.

    This image is also used by the classic Candidate Space.

  2. Save your image files under the same names in the images area.
  3. If you modified the source file, redeploy the application to Websphere for the changes to take effect.

    If you modified the file, select Administrator > Talent Acquisition > Code Setup > Job Board. Attach the modified file to the job boards for which you want the new header to be used.