Customizing business object document templates

Business object documents are generated from XML templates stored in the UserTemplate business class. As an optional step, you can extend the BOD by adding fields to the templates. The additional fields must exist in the selected business class.

After you complete this section to customize a template, that template must be registered in ION Connect.

  1. In Infor HR Talent, select Administrator > Utilities > Interfaces > Business Object Documents > Templates.
  2. Select the template you want to modify.
    Note: The user area for the Personnel BOD is a template within the Personnel BOD: IONPersonnelXMLStandardUserArea
  3. To open the template, click the XML attachment.
  4. In Notepad or an XML editor program, make the modifications.
    1. Add fields in the User Area of the XML file. Fields must be persisted fields or a derived field on the business class itself.
    2. Follow this syntax example for fields:
  5. Save the XML template.
  6. From the Templates screen, delete the current XML template attachment.
  7. Browse to the new modified template and attach it.
  8. Click Save to save the updated template.
  9. Go to Infor ION Connect and register the new template. See "Registering the client application" in the Infor ION API Administration Guide.