Replacing the sign-in page logo in its current position

This logo is displayed on your sign-in page. The logo is displayed on the sign-in window that candidates see when they click a link to Candidate Space in an email message. This image is also used by the new Candidate Space for linkbacks.

You can only change the login.html page code in the source database. You can change the logo that is displayed on that page in the source code or in the file.

  1. Select the delivered logo image header-small-ltr.png in the images folder and take note of the dimensions.
  2. Create or copy the logo image to insert. Modify the dimensions to match the dimensions of the delivered logo image.
  3. Save your logo image as header-small-ltr.png or using a different name, and copy to the images folder.
  4. Access login.html and locate .loginlogo.
  5. If you used a different name for your logo file, change header-small-ltr.png to the new file name.
  6. You can change the height and width of the logo area in pixels. Your logo image must be contained within that area.