Creating and viewing the catalog

Define your organization's topics and activities before you view the catalog.

All activities that you define are already part of the catalog, except for those defined with the option to "Exclude From Catalog." If an activity was defined with one or more topics, the activity already appears in the catalog under the topic or topics.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Catalog > View Catalog.
  2. To attach a topic to activity:
    1. Select the Browse tab.
    2. Select the topic that is being attached.
    3. On the Topics toolbar, click the field menu, or right-click the topic, and then select Attach To Activity.
    4. Select the activity.
    5. Click Close.
  3. To attach a topic to certification:
    1. Select the Browse tab.
    2. Select the topic that is being attached.
    3. On the Topics toolbar, click the field menu, or right-click the topic, and then select Attach To Certification.
    4. Select the certification.
    5. Click Close.
  4. To attach a topic to development plan:
    1. Select the Browse tab.
    2. Select the topic that is being attached.
    3. On the Topics toolbar, click the field menu, or right-click the topic, and then select Attach To Development Plan.
    4. Select the development plan.
    5. Click Close.
  5. To remove an attached activity, on the Topics tab, highlight the topic and activity, click the Delete icon, and click Yes to confirm to detach the activity.
  6. To remove an attached topic, on the Activities tab, highlight the activity and topic, click the Delete icon, and click Yes to confirm to detach the topic.
    Follow-up task: To view the catalog as it will be displayed to resources and managers, or to print the catalog, see Searching or printing the catalog.