Creating a header and footer for the organization’s notifications templates

Administrators can configure the header and footer for email notifications. All notifications in the organization use the same header and footer.

  1. As administrator, select Setup > Email > Header And Footer.
  2. Click Create.
  3. In the Header tab, specify this information:
    Image URL
    Specify the URL of the image location.
    Specify the title of the header.
    Background Color
    Specify the background color.
    Font Color
    Specify the color of the type.
  4. In the Footer tab, use the tools to specify text, links, and images as required.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select the Learning and Development role.
  7. Select Setup > Configuration > Organization Configuration.
  8. Specify this information:
    Use Corporate Header and Footer
    Select this setting to enable the corporate header and footer.
  9. Click Save.