Assigning continuing education providers to activities

You can designate multiple preferred providers for an activity, and you can designate one of these providers to default to the sessions created for the activity.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Catalog > Activities And Sessions.
  2. On the Activities panel, open the activity to update.
  3. Click the Continuing Education Provider Credits tab.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Specify this information:
    Specify the provider name
    Specify the number of credits.
    Validity Period Begin Date
    Specify the certificate validity start date.
    Validity Period End Date
    Specify the certificate validity end date.
    Change Users Credits by Administrator
    Select if you want administrators to manually assign credits.
    Credits Expire
    Select this option if credits expire.
    Credits Expire X Days after Completion
    If credit expiration is selected, specify how many days after the activity completion the credits expire.
  6. Click Save.