Defining activity outcomes

Use this procedure if completing the activity will earn the attendee specific competencies, skills, or credentials.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Catalog > Activities And Sessions.
  2. On the Activities panel, open the activity to update.
  3. Select the Outcomes tab.
  4. To define a competency outcome, on the Competencies panel, click Create.
    1. On the Attach Competency form, specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Select the effective date.
      Select the Active check box to make the competency outcome active. Inactive outcomes do not appear in lists.
      Select the competency to be achieved.
      Qualification Source
      Select the source that will appear on the resource record.
      Rating Level
      Select the level of performance to be achieved.
      Validation Method
      Select the validation method to display on resources' competencies that are validated upon completion of the activity.
    2. Click Save.
  5. To define a skill outcome, on the Skills panel, click Create.
    1. On the Attach Skill form, specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Select the effective date.
      Select the Active check box to make the skill outcome active. Inactive outcomes do not appear in lists.
      Select the skill to be achieved.
      Qualification Source
      Select the source that will appear on the resource record.
      Rating Level
      Select the level of performance to be achieved.
      Validation Method
      Select the validation method to display on resources' skills that are validated upon completion of the activity.
    2. Click Save.
  6. To define a credential outcome, on the Credentials panel, click Create.
    1. On the Attach Credential form, specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Select the effective date.
      Select the Active check box to make the credential outcome active. Inactive outcomes are not displayed in lists.
      Select the credential to be achieved.
      Qualification Source
      Select the source to display on the resource record.
    2. Click Save.