Mass transferring mentees

When a mentor is transferred to another department or leaves the organization, you can transfer all of the mentor's mentees to another mentor with a single action.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Manage Mentors > Mentors.
  2. On the Resources panel, select the mentor for the mentees to be transferred, and click Mass Transfer Mentees.
  3. Select the new mentor, and click Submit.

    All of the mentees are removed from the mentor's mentees' list. The mentees are now listed on the new mentor's Mentees panel.

    Impact on primary mentor status:
    • If a mentee's current mentor is not the primary mentor and you are transferring a mentee to a mentor other than the primary mentor, the new mentor will be non-primary for that mentee.

    • If a mentee's current mentor is not the primary mentor and you are transferring the mentee to the primary mentor, the new mentor will remain the primary mentor for that mentee.

    • If the mentee's current mentor is the primary mentor, the new mentor will be the primary mentor, even if the new mentor was a non-primary mentor for the mentee before the transfer.