Creating notification rules for activities

Use this procedure to create scheduled notifications for activity changes.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Catalog > Activities And Sessions.
  2. On the Activities panel, open the activity to update.
  3. Select the Notifications tab.
  4. Click Create.
  5. To create notifications for activity changes, select Create Automatic Notifications for Activity Changes.
    1. Specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Specify the notification rule effective date.
      Notification Rule
      Specify the notification rule name.
      Provide the notification rule description.
      Move the slider to Active to make the notification rule active.
      Send Notification When
      Select the event trigger to send notification.
      Select the notification template.
      Save Correspondence
      Select whether you want the correspondence to be saved.
      Eligibility Group
      Select the eligibility group.
    2. Click Submit.
  6. To create notifications for activity enrollment, select Create Automatic Notifications for Activity Enrollment.
    1. Specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Specify the notification rule effective date.
      Notification Rule
      Specify the notification rule name.
      Provide the notification rule description.
      Move the slider to Active to make the notification rule active.
      Send Notification When
      Select the event trigger to send notification.
      Select the notification template.
      Save Correspondence
      Select whether you want the correspondence to be saved.
      Eligibility Group
      Select the eligibility group.
    2. Click Submit.
  7. To create notifications for activity changes, select Create Automatic Notifications for Specific Continuing Education Credit.
    1. Specify this information:
      Effective Date
      Specify the notification rule effective date.
      Notification Rule
      Specify the notification rule name.
      Provide the notification rule description.
      Move the slider to Active to make the notification rule active.
      Continuing Education Credits
      Select continuing education credit provider.
      Send Notification When
      Select the event trigger to send notification.
      Select the notification template.
      Save Correspondence
      Select whether you want the correspondence to be saved.
    2. Click Submit.