Defining continuing education providers

Use this procedure to define the continuing education providers.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Set Up > Activity Components > Continuing Education Providers.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:

    Required. Specify the name of the activity delivery method.


    Specify the description of the activity delivery method. If left blank, the activity delivery method name defaults.


    Select this check box to make the activity delivery method active. Inactive activity delivery methods are not displayed in lists.

    Provider Company URL
    Specify the web address of the provider company.
    Phone County Code, Phone Number, Extension
    Specify the phone details of the provider.
    Specify the provider country.
    Specify the provider type.
    First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
    Specify the provider contact name.
    Phone County Code, Phone Number, Extension
    Specify the provider contact phone details.
    Email Address
    Specufy the provider contact email address.
    Enable Notifications
    Select to enable email notifications.
    Notifications Level
    Select the notification level.
  4. Click Save.