Defining non-employees

Non-employees can be added to serve a role of an instructor or a content administrator, or both. The entry must be approved in order for the added individuals to gain access to the system.

  1. Select Learning and Development > Set Up > Add Resources > Non-Employees.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Effective Date

    Required. Specify the effective date.

    Select a reason to add a non-employee.
    Specify the non-employee title.
    First, Middle, Last Name, and Suffix
    Specify the non-employee name and suffix.
    Professional Designation
    Specify the non-employee's professional designation.
    Preferred First and Last Name
    Specify the non-employee's preferred first and last name.
    Home Country
    Specify the non-employee's home country.
    Relationship to Organization
    Specify the non-employee's relationship to organization.
    Relationship Status
    Specify the non-employee's relationship status.
    Work Type
    Specify the non-employee's work type.
    Identification Number
    Specify the non-employee's identification country and number.
    Issue Date
    Specify the non-employee's identification issue date.
    Expiration Date
    Specify the non-employee's identification expiration date.
    Specify the non-employee's gender
    Disability Type
    Specify the non-employee's disability type.
    Marital Status
    Specify the non-employee's marital status.
    Specify the non-employee's nationality.
    Nationality Country
    Specify the non-employee's nationality country.
    Specify the non-employee's birthdate.
    Point of Origin
    Specify the non-employee's point of origin.
    Specify the non-employee's country of residence.
    Country Code, Phone Number, and Extension
    Specify the non-employee's phone number.
    Preferred Telephone Contact
    Select if telephone contact is the preferred method of communication.
    Used as Work Phone
    Select if the specified phone number is used for work.
    E-mail Address
    Specify the non-employee's e-mail address.
    Preferred E-mail Contact
    Select if e-mail contact is the preferred method of communication.
    Used as Work Email
    Select if the specified e-mail address is used for work.
    Alternative E-mail Address
    Specify an alternative e-mal address.
    Start Date
    Specify the start date.
    Adjusted Start Date
    Specify the adjusted start date.
    Content Administrator
    Select to assign Content Administrator role.
    Select to assign Instructor role.

    Provide the non-employe's description.

  4. Click Save.