Enrolling an external learner in an activity that is not available to external learners

Learning administrators can enroll external learners in activities that have been specified as unavailable to external learners. The process described here is used to create a single instance of During enrollment, the earning administrators can specify the session settings. This requires the learning administrator to access the activity and change a setting that enables the specific external learner to enroll in the activity.

  1. Select Catalog > Activities and Sessions.
  2. Double-click an activity.
  3. Click Details. Verify that the Available For Enrollment To External Learners setting is disabled. If this field is enabled, then you can enroll the external learner di
  4. Click External Enrollments.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Specify this information:
    External Learner ID
    Specify the external learner for whom you are making the activity available.
    Enroll in first available session
    To enroll the external learner in the first available session, enable this setting.
    Session ID
    To enroll the external learner in a specific session, click and specify the session.
    Allow resource to select session
    To let the external learner choose a session, enable this setting.
    Start Date
    Optional. Specify the first date that the enrollment is active.
    Due Date
    Optional. Specify the date by which the external learner is required to complete the activity.
    Optional. Specify the priority of the activity.
    Optional. Enable this option to make the activity mandatory for the external learner.
  7. Click Submit.