Approving or declining evidence of insurability

  1. Select Benefits > Maintenance > Evidence of Insurability.

    A list of employees whose Evidence of Insurability (EOI) has a Pending status is displayed.

  2. Select an employee EOI record.
  3. Select Actions > Approve EOI or Actions > Decline EOI.
  4. Specify the Approve or Deny Date.
  5. Select an email template.
  6. Click OK.

    When approving an enrollment that does not include the contribution amount subject to EOI, you can create a new benefit. The approval is noted on this new enrollment and a new contribution is created. The new contribution is based upon the new coverage amount.

    When declining an enrollment that does include the contribution amount subject to EOI, you can create a new benefit. The decline is not noted on this new enrollment and a new employee benefit record with the new contribution amount is created.