Creating salary or coverage rate table contribution rules

  1. Select Benefits > Plans > Benefit Plans.
  2. On the Benefit Plan Contributions tab, click Create.
  3. Select a Coverage Class, Benefit Group, and the Contribution Start Date.
  4. Specify this information for all Contribution Types:
    Contribution Tax Type

    Select whether the employee contributions are pre tax, after tax or both. If employee contributions are no allowed for the plan, select No Employee Contribution.

    Note: This field must match with the deductions attached to the plan.
    Default Tax Type

    Select a Default Tax Type when the Contribution Tax Type is Both.


    Select the currency in which to display tax type.

  5. If Coverage Type is Coverage Amounts, specify this information:
    Include Amount Subject To EOI

    Select this check box if the amount that is subject to EOI is included when determining the contribution.

  6. For Salary or Coverage Rate table, specify this information:
    Rate Table

    Select the table that the application uses to calculate contributions.

    Contribution Basis

    Specify Coverage or Salary.

    Cost Per Coverage Increment
  7. If Coverage Class is Employee, specify contributions based on years of service.
  8. Specify contributions based on age.
  9. Specify contributions based on salary.
  10. Optionally, define how adjustments are to be calculated.
  11. Click Save.