Improving performance of benefits actions

Benefits actions that evaluate benefit group membership can perform more efficiently when the benefit groups being processed are configured to use saved data.

These actions use benefit groups and can take advantage of using saved data:

  • Mass Enrollment
  • Mass COBRA Enrollment
  • Mass Finalize
  • Mass Create Eligibility
  • Mass Create Flex Credits
  • Mass Benefit Update
  • Mass Benefit Plan Update
  • Mass Enroll in Default Plans
  • ACA Hours Measurement
  • Create ACA Offers
  • Reevaluate Eligibility
  • Mass Process Dependent Benefit Stop Date
  • Mass Create COBRA Enrollment
  • Mass Create ACA Individuals (Participant)
  • Mass Create ACA Individuals (Employee)
  1. Sign in as the Benefits Administrator.
  2. Select Benefits > Set Up > Groups > Benefit Groups.
  3. Select the benefit group.
  4. In the Async Action Check Membership column, select Saved.
  5. To refresh membership for a specific group, right-click the group and select Refresh Membership For This Benefit Group.
  6. To refresh membership for multiple groups, select Actions > Refresh Membership and select the benefit groups or choose one of the Refresh All options and click OK.
  7. Click the Refresh button periodically until the Check Membership Seconds column is not zero for the selected group.
    When Check Membership Seconds is zero, the Refresh Membership action is likely still running.
  8. Continue with the benefits processes.