Creating top heavy reports

This report only runs for employees who have a work country of US.

To determine if your defined contribution (DC) plan is top heavy, the report lists DC account balances from Contribution History for the plan year and benefit plans selected for key and non-key employees in the plan year specified.

Before you run this report, verify that your key employees are flagged on the Employee record. For more information, see Creating key employees reports.

  1. Select Benefits > Reports > Discrimination Testing > Top Heavy.
  2. Click Create Report.
  3. Specify this information:
    Plan Year

    Specify the plan year for which to run the report.

    Benefit Plan

    Specify up to six benefit plans to be included in the report. If no benefit plan is specified, then all Defined Contribution Plans are considered.

  4. Click OK to process this action immediately.

    Or click Schedule to schedule the action to run later.