Creating waiting period entry rules

  1. Select Benefits > Plans > Benefit Plans.
  2. On the benefit plan, select the Entry Rules tab.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Coverage Class

    Select whether the rule is for Employees or Retirees.

    Benefit Group

    Recommendation: Create a rule with no benefit group specified that would cover most situations. Then create waiting period rules for benefits groups that have different rules.

    Minimum Age
    Entry Rule Type

    Specify whether the Entry Rule Type is a Waiting Period Rule.

  5. Specify this information on the Initial Enrollment tab or the Re-Enrollment tab:
    Date Type

    Select the start date type from which the system begins to count toward eligibility for the benefit plan. For example, Start Date, Adjusted Start Date, First Date Worked, Anniversary Date, etc.

    Date types vary depending on coverage class selected.

    Months / Days / Hours

    Select how long the waiting period is from the date type selected in Date Type. For example, after a probationary period of 6 months from the Start Date.

    Pay Class

    If the initial waiting period for the plan is measured in hours, select the pay class that defines eligible hours.

    If left blank, all hours are included as eligible hours of service.

    ACA Measurement Period Required
    Select to require an ACA Measurement period where the resource is eligible for benefits for that resource to be considered eligible for the benefit.
    Benefit Period Required

    This field is available only if Coverage Class is Employees. This is used to identify that instead of hours, the employee must have an eligible benefit period to be considered eligible for the benefit.

    Entry Type

    Specify the point at which the individual can enroll in the plan. If you select No Entry Point, the individual is eligible as soon as the previous rules are satisfied.

    See Entry types.

    Entry Point

    If the Entry Type is Prior or Next Entry Point, define the entry point dates. For example, the first of every month.

  6. Click Save.