Defining investment options

Use this procedure to define investment accounts for defined contribution plans that offer employees a choice of accounts in which they can invest contributions. Defining investment options enables you to track the investment choices made by employees.

  1. Select Benefits > Plans > Benefit Plans.
  2. Define the benefit plan. See Creating basic benefit plans.
  3. In the Investments section of the Main tab, specify this information:
    Investment Elections

    Select whether an employee can choose the distribution of plan contributions.

    Distribution Increments

    Specify the minimum percent increments employees can distribute into an account when splitting investments into multiple accounts. For example, if you specify 25, employees can invest 25.0 percent, 50.0 percent, 75.0 percent or 100.0 percent of their contributions in an account.


    Set one of the investment accounts as the default. If an employee does not make an investment election upon enrollment, all contributions are invested in the default account.