Calculating employer match deductions

This section explains how the Benefits application creates employer match deductions. These contribution types create employer match deductions:

  • Match Limit Schedule
  • Match Percent Schedule

Each contribution type works differently. For both types of match calculations, the Benefits application creates the employer match deduction based on the benefit plan's contribution schedule, which is defined in the contribution setup.

For Match Limit Schedule contributions, the Benefits application creates the deduction without any special calculations. It creates the deduction by using the values in the schedule.

For Match Percent Schedule contributions, the Benefits application performs unique calculations to determine the values to be used when the deduction is created.

Employer match deduction creation for match limit schedules

The Match Limit Schedule is based on the employee’s years-of-service range. The Benefits application uses the figures in the contribution schedule to create the employer match deduction. The match deduction Up To percent and Descending Balance are prorated when both pre-tax and after-tax employee contributions are being matched. The Descending Balance is adjusted for calendar year-to-date employer contributions.

The calculation used to determine the descending balance is:

Contribution Rule's Maximum Amount - Year-To-Date Employer Contributions x Proration Based on Employee Contribution Allocation
Note: It is recommended that the Deduction Code for the employer match is defined with the Calculation Type of Percent Of Employee Deduction.
This table shows the contribution schedule on which the following deduction creation examples are based:
Years Of Service Employer Match Up To Maximum Amount
1-4 25% 5% 1,000.00
5-99 50% 10% 2,000.00
Mary has two years of service. The standard deduction (employee deduction) for the match shows:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance Amount Percent Matched
25% Descending Balance 1,000.00 5%
Bob has 15 years of service. The standard deduction (employee deduction) for the match shows:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance Amount Percent Matched
50% Descending Balance 2,000.00 10%
Amy has 15 years of service. She has calendar year-to-date contributions with the employer amount of $500. The standard deduction (employee deduction) for the match shows:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance Amount Percent Matched
50% Descending Balance 1,500.00 10%

If the employee’s contribution is split between pre-tax and after-tax, and the company matches both types of contributions, the match is prorated.

For example, Joe has 10 years of service and contributes 10% pre-tax and 5% after-tax. Two company match deductions are created as follows.

This table shows Joe's pre-tax employer match:
Employer Match Up To Balance Type Balance Amount
50% 6.67% Descending Balance 1,333.33
This table shows Joe's after-tax employer match:
Employer Match Up To Balance Type Balance Amount
50% 3.33% Descending Balance 666.67

When created, the employer’s match is further adjusted for year-to-date organization contributions taken. The year-to-date amounts can be viewed on the employee’s eligibility record. The detail is available at Benefits > Reports > By Resources > Contribution History.

For example, Jane has 10 years of service, contributes 10% pre-tax and 5% after-tax, and the employer year-to-date contribution history is $1,000.

This table shows Jane's pre-tax employer match:
Employer Match Up To Balance Type Balance Amount
50% 6.67% Descending Balance 666.67
This table shows Jane's after-tax employer match:
Employer Match Up To Balance Type Balance Amount
50% 3.33% Descending Balance 333.33

Employer match deduction creation for match percent schedules

The Match Percent Schedule uses the employee’s contribution percent to determine the employer match. If the employee contributes a flat amount instead of a percent, the application determines the percent of the employee's contribution, using this equation:

(Employee’s Contribution / Employee’s Annual Salary) x 100 = Employee's Percent Contribution

For example, Bart's annual salary is $40,000.00 based on the salary definition in the contribution setup. His flat amount contribution is $4,500.00, so he is contributing 11.25% of his salary:

(4,500.00 / 40,000.00) x 100 = 11.25

Types of match calculations

Match calculations are defined by the Calculation field in the Match section of the contribution setup.

There are two types of match calculations:

  • Fixed - The employer match percent is determined using only the values from the detail line that contains the percent the employee elected.
    Note: It is recommended that the Deduction Code for the employer match is defined with the Calculation Type of Percent Of Employee Deduction.
  • Cumulative – The employer match percent is determined using the values of all contribution levels up to and including the detail line that contains the percent the employee elected. The balance amount is determined from the top level for the employee contribution.
    Note: It is recommended that the Deduction Code for the employer match is defined with the Calculation Type of Percent.

Employer match deduction creation for fixed match calculations

This table shows the contribution schedule on which the following deduction creation examples are based:
Employee Contribution Employer Match Percent Amount
0-4% 50% 500.00
5-10% 25% 1,000.00

The employer deduction is created as follows:

Niki contributes 3%, which falls within the first range on the schedule (between 0% and 4%).
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
50% D – Descending 500.00
Mike contributes 7%, which falls within the second range on the schedule (between 5% and 10%).
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
25% D – Descending 1,000.00

Susan contributes a total of 10% that is split 5% pre-tax and 5% after-tax. This falls within the second range on the schedule (between 5% and 10%).

This table shows Susan's pre-tax employer match:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
25% D – Descending 500.00
This table shows Susan's after-tax employer match:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
25% D – Descending 500.00

James contributes a total of 10% that is split 5% pre-tax and 5% after-tax. This falls within the second range on the schedule (between 5% and 10%). The employer year-to-date contributions for James are $400.00.

This table shows James's pre-tax employer match:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
25% D – Descending 300.00
This table shows James's after-tax employer match:
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
25% D – Descending 300.00

Employer match deduction creation for cumulative match calculations

This table shows the contribution schedule on which the following deduction creation examples are based:
Employee Contribution Employer Match Amount
0-4% 100% 500.00
5-8% 50% 1,000.00
9-15% 25% 1,500.00

The employer deduction is created as follows:

Robin contributes 3%, which falls within the first range on the schedule (between 0% and 4%).
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
3% D – Descending 500.00
Walter contributes 7%, which falls within the second range on the schedule (between 5% and 8%). The employer match is calculated as:
(4% x 100.00) + (3% x 50) = 4 + 1.5 = 5.5
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
5.5% D – Descending 1,000.00
Fred contributes 11%, which falls within the third range on the schedule (between 9% and 15%). The employer match is calculated as:
(4% x 100.00) + (4% x 50) + (3% x 25) = 4 + 2 + .75 = 6.75
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
6.75% D – Descending 1,500.00

George contributes a total of 10%, which is split 6% pre-tax and 4% after-tax. This is within the third range on the schedule (between 9% and 15%). The employer match is prorated between the pre-tax match and the after-tax match calculated as:

Total Match = (4% x 100.00) + (4% x 50) + (2% x 25) = 4 + 2 + .5 = 6.5
Pre-Tax Proration = Pre-Tax Contribution / Total Contribution = 6 / 10 = .6
After-Tax Proration = 1 – Pre-Tax Proration = 1 – .6 = .4
Pre-Tax Match Percent = Total Match x Pre-Tax Proration = 6.5 x .6 = 3.9
Pre-Tax Balance = (Total Balance – Year-To-Date Employer Contributions) x Pre-Tax Proration = 
(1500 – 0) x .6 = 1500 x .6 = 900.00
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
3.9% D – Descending 900.00
After-Tax Match Percent = Total Match x After-Tax Proration = 6.5 x .4 = 2.6
After-Tax Balance = (Total Balance – Year-To-Date Employer Contributions) x After-Tax Proration = 
(1500 – 0) x .4 = 1500 x .4 = 600.00
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
2.6% D – Descending 600.00

Ron contributes a total of 10%, which is split 6% pre-tax and 4% after-tax. This is within the third range on the schedule (between 9% and 15%). The employer year-to date contributions for James are $400.00.

The employer match is prorated between the pre-tax match and the after-tax match calculated as:
Total Match = (4% x 100.00) + (4% x 50) + (2% x 25) = 4 + 2 + .5 = 6.5
Pre-Tax Proration = Pre-Tax Contribution / Total Contribution = 6 / 10 = .6
After-Tax Proration = 1 – Pre-Tax Proration = 1 – .6 = .4
Pre-Tax Match Percent = Total Match x Pre-Tax Proration = 6.5 x .6 = 3.9
Pre-Tax Balance = (Total Balance – Year-To-Date Employer Contributions) x Pre-Tax Proration = 
(1500 – 400) x .6 = 1100 x .6 = 660.00
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
3.9% D – Descending 660.00
After-Tax Match Percent = Total Match x After-Tax Proration = 6.5 x .4 = 2.6
After-Tax Balance = (Total Balance – Year-To-Date Employer Contributions) x After-Tax Proration = 
(1500 – 400) x .4 = 1100 x .4 = 440.00
Employer Match Balance Type Balance
2.6% D – Descending 440.00