Configuring email automation for time off requests

Administrators can use Email Automation to configure emails and user notifications. Emails and user notifications are sent when requests are performed outside of the initial request and work unit approval process. For example, time off, compensatory time off, buying, selling, and exchanging time off.
Note: Use Infor Process Designer to edit the email content for the initial request and work unit Approve and Reject actions for the respective Approval flow. See the Infor HR Talent Configuration Guide.

The Email rules that are used to send emails for the Leave of Absence type requests are defined in Configuring email automation for leave of absence requests.

Review all of the possible actions that can trigger automated notifications and decide which ones to use for your organization. Define your email templates before you define email automation.

  1. Select Absence Management > Set Up > Time Off Emails > Email Automation.
  2. Click the tabs to configure rules for time off, compensatory time off, buy, sell, and exchange time off requests.
  3. For each of the actions, select an email rule and an email template if the Rule includes Email.
    • Email Rule: Select the type of notification to trigger. Notifications are sent automatically. Email recipients are determined by the email template setup. Actions that are taken by the listed roles will result in these notifications:
      Time off actions by role Notified
      Employee Manager
      Manager Employee
      Administrator Employee and Manager
    • Email Template: If you select Email Notification or Email and User Notification for the Email Rule, you must select the Template to use to format the email.
  4. Click Save.