Viewing exchange time off reports

Administrators can generate or schedule exchange time off reports including active exchange periods, plan details, default payouts, and unpaid exchange requests.

  1. Select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Time Off > Exchange Default Payouts.
  2. Select Print to File for the specific report. Review the report options:
    Active Exchange Periods
    This shows active exchange request periods across plans.
    View absence plans that use the Exchange Schedule for the selected Active Exchange period.
    Default Payouts
    For a selected record in the Plans list, the Default Payout shows:
    • All of the employees that are enrolled in that plan that qualify to receive the Default Payout amounts.
    • And there is no Unpaid Exchange Time Off Request record that exists.
    Unpaid Exchange Requests
    For a selected record in the Plans list, the Unpaid Exchange Requests lists all of the unpaid exchange time off requests. Unpaid means that the payout status of the record is Unprocessed or Processed. Actions are available from this list for the administrator to maintain the requests.
  3. Define the PDF orientation, font size, and record limit.
  4. Click Print. To run a report later, click Schedule.
  5. You can view the generated report tile in My Files.