Creating a linked plan table

Use this procedure to define the plan types and eligibility groups for linked plan processing. The table is used on the Balance Rule.

  1. Select Absence Management > Set Up > Plans and Components > Link Tables.
  2. Specify this information:
    Link Plan Table
    Specify a name for the link plan table.
    Link Plan Table Description
    Provide a full description for the link plan table. If you do not specify a link plan table description, the default description will be the Link Plan table name.
    Table Type
    Select whether the table will be used to link hours or earnings balances.
    Plan Type
    Select the plan type to link to when the resource's plan balance becomes negative.
    Eligibility Group
    Select an eligibility group to define the plan to link to when the resource's plan balance becomes negative. If this field is blank, then all plans for the specified plan type will be considered alphabetically by plan type and then eligibility group.
    Service Code
    Select the service code to use to record usage for this link plan. The service code determines the pay code that is used when creating the time record for the link plan.

    The appropriate plan balances are only decremented when Calculate Plans is run. The Service Code must be included in the usage service class. The usage service class is located on the balance rule of the Plan to which it is assigned in this table.

    Plan Balance
    Shows which plan balance will be decremented. Plan Balance is defined on the Reason Code that is associated with the Service Code.
  3. Click Save.