Considerations for carryover processing

If your plans have carryover, consider these scenarios when you run Process Plans:

Calculating carryover when a pay period crosses a plan year

Process Plans is typically run with a processing date that aligns with the pay period end date. If a pay period crosses a plan year, special processing may be required at the end of the plan year.


Reset Date = 01/01/2004

Pay Period = 12/28/03 – 01/03/04

Jeff Marciano has an available balance of 130.00 hours as of 12/27/03. There is a carryover limit on the plan of 100 hours. Jeff has these event records for usage:

Date Usage hours
12/29/03 8.00
12/30/03 8.00
12/31/03 8.00
01/02/04 8.00

Because Process Plans determines carryover after all other processing, this will occur if it is run with a process through date of 1/3/04, which is the pay period end date: The 32.00 hours of usage is decremented from the 130.00 available hours leaving a balance of 98.00 hours. When carryover is determined, Jeff's balance of 98.00 hours does not exceed the limit of 100.00 hours, so Jeff does not lose any of the balance.

If the 1/2/04 usage hours should not be decremented before the carryover is determined, Process Plans must be processed with a process though date of 1/1/04 (reset date) first. Process Plans will process 24.00 hours of usage (12/29-12/31/03) leaving an available balance on 1/1/04 of 106.00 hours. Carryover processing will determine Jeff's balance exceeds the carryover limit of 100.00 and 6.00 hours will be lost leaving an available balance of 100.00 after Process Plans is complete. Run Process Plans again with a process through date of 1/3/04. First run Close Plans to close the first Process Plans job. The remaining 8.00 hours of usage dated 1/2/04 is then processed leaving an available balance of 92.00 hours.

Another option is to run Process Plans through 12/31/2003, run Close Plans, then run Process Plans through 1/01/2004 for carryover processing only to prevent any other activity from occurring.

Calculating carryover when all the records have not been turned in

Using the above example, consider this:

Jeff has an additional event record for 8.00 hours of usage dated 12/20/03 that was not recorded by Jeff until the next pay period (1/10/04) after carryover processing for 1/1/04 had occurred. Because the carryover was already calculated before he submitted the additional time, Jeff lost 6.00 hours of the available balance. If Jeff had submitted the hours on time, the 6.00 hours would not have been lost. Process Plans would have decremented the 12/20/03 usage of 8.00 hours before determining carryover.

We recommend that your organization evaluate whether manual adjustments must made to balances in situations where the resource lost a portion of the available balance when all event records were not present when the carryover was determined. Process Plans does not recalculate carryover or lost available hours due to carryover limits when late event records for usage are specified or additional accruals are retroactively calculated which then become available with a retroactive date. You make these adjustments with Resource Plan or Manual Transaction Conversion.

Calculating carryover with carryover amounts that must be used within a certain period of time

Processing retroactive dates may cause year-to-date transaction summaries to display with ending available balances lower than the carryover limit and beginning and ending carryover balances with amounts other than normally expected.

We recommend that you evaluate the processing effect for resources who submit event records for usage for a previous plan year after carryover processing has occurred and develop procedures for these situations based on the preferred outcome.

Available Hours

Reset Point: 01/01

Year Beginning Adjustments Usage Lost Ending
2003 130.00 0.00 24.00– 6.00– 100.00
2004 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

Carryover Hours

Reset Point: 01/01

Year Beginning Adjustments Usage Lost Ending
2003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2004 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00

Available Hours

Reset Point: 01/01

Year Beginning Adjustments Usage Lost Ending
2003 130.00 0.00 24.00– 6.00– 100.00
2004 100.00 0.00 8.00– 0.00 92.00

Carryover Hours

Reset Point: 01/01

Year Beginning Adjustments Usage Lost Ending
2003 0.00 0.00 24.00– 6.00– 100.00
2004 0.00 0.00 8.00– 0.00 92.00

Finally, year-to-date transaction summaries from Employee Transaction Summary Inquiry LP64.2 for available and carryover would then display as follows after running Process Plans as of 1/10/04 (which will include processing the late service record for usage dated 12/20/03):

Available Hours

Reset point: 01/01

Year Beginning Adjustments Usage Lost Ending
2003 130.00 0.00 32.00– 6.00– 92.00
2004 92.00 0.00 8.00– 0.00 84.00


Reset point: 01/01

Year Beginning Adjustments Usage Lost Ending
2003 0.00 0.00 8.00– 0.00 8.00–
2004 8.00 100.00 8.00– 0.00 84.00–