Creating service code and class relationships

Use this procedure to tie service classes to a service code. A service code can be tied to one or many service classes.

  1. Select Absence Management > Set Up > Codes and Classes > Service.
  2. On the Relationships tab, click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Service Class
    Specify the service class.
    Service code
    Specify the service code to tie to the service class.
    Select how the records with the designated service code affect the hours in the service class.
    • If you select Include, the hours are added to the total hours for the class.
    • If you select Exclude, the hours do not affect the total for the class.
    • If you select Subtract, the total hours are reduced by the hours on the designated code.

    Example: you have time/service records for 43 hours of regular pay and 3 hours or overtime premium pay. You can include the hours and earnings from the regular pay, while excluding the earnings and subtracting the hours for the overtime record.

    Select how the records with the designated service code affect the earnings in the service class.
    • If you select Include, the earnings are added to the total earnings for the class.
    • If you select Exclude the earnings do not affect the total for the class.
    • If you select Subtract the total earnings are reduced by the earnings on the designated code.

    Example: You have time/service records for 43 hours of regular pay and 3 hours or overtime premium pay. You can include the hours and earnings from the regular pay, while excluding the earnings and subtracting the hours for the overtime record.

  4. Click Save.