Updating zero balances transactions

  1. On the Infor HR Talent page, select Absence Management > Processing > Cycle Processing > Update Zero Balances.
  2. In the Resources header, specify this information:
    Organization Unit Group
    Select the organization unit group to process the resource plan with a zero balance transaction.

    All absence plans for resources whose primary work assignment’s organization unit is within this Organization Unit Group are processed.

    If you select an organization unit group, then you must leave the Resource Group field blank.

    Payment Schedule Group
    Optionally, select the payment schedule group to process the resource plan with a zero balance transaction.
    Note: Before the Payment Schedule Group field is displayed, you must select By Payment Schedule in the Process Monitor Mode field.

    See Configuring Absence Management for an organization.

    Resource Group
    Select the resource group to process the resource plan with a zero balance transaction.
    Note: When you select a resource group, the balances of all individuals in a particular resource group are included. If you select a resource group, then you must leave the Organization Unit Group and Resources fields blank.
    Select up to eight resources to update the resource plan.

    If you select one or more resources, then leave Organization Unit Group and Resource Group blank.

  3. In the Plans header, specify this information:
    Plan Type
    Select the type of the resource plan to update zero balances.
    Eligibility Groups
    Select up to six eligibility groups to identify the resource plan to process.

    Before you select an eligibility group, you must first select a plan type. If you leave the Eligibility Group field blank, then all active structures for the selected plan are included.

  4. In the Options header, specify this information:
    Balance Option
    Select the type of balance to update to zero.
    Transaction Date
    Specify the transaction date to use in a resource plan.
    Plan Selection Option
    Select the balance to update in a resource plan record.
    Plan End Through Date
    Specify the resource plan end date to stop the processing of a resource plan.
    Note: If you select Ended or All in the Plan Selection Option field, then select a Plan End Through Date to process.
    Select a rerun option of the zero balance transactions:
    • No: Recalculate all new zero balance transactions.

      No records are deleted before the run. The default Rerun is No.

    • Recalculate All: Delete all of the records in the list and calculate zero balance transactions using a new criteria.
    • Remove Selection: Delete records that are only qualified in the selection criteria.

      If you select Remove Selection, then new records are not created.

    • Recalculate Selection: Delete records that are qualified in the record selection and then calculate records that are qualified in the selection criteria.

      See Cycle processing programs.

  5. Click Submit.
  6. Optionally, click the Schedule button to run the action later.
  7. Run the Close Plans action to close out the transactions and update the resource plans.
  8. Optionally, view the list of zero balance transactions that are updated in the Update Zero Balances action.