Creating vacation buy or sell transactions

Use this procedure to create manual transactions that update the available balance on the Resource Plan. The updates to the balance are based on the hours bought or sold on each resource allocation record.

  1. Select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Vacation Buy Sell > Create Buy Sell Transactions.
  2. Specify this information:
    Flex Plan
    Specify a flex plan to include in the update.
    Benefit Plan
    Select a benefit plan within the Flex Plan to update. If this field is blank, all Vacation type plans within the selected Flex Plan are included in the update.
    Flex Year Start Date
    Specify the start of the one-year period that applies to the benefit enrollments from the Flex Credits.
    Resource Group
    Specify a resource group to limit the resources that are included in the update.
  3. In the Options section, specify this information:
    Select how the absence plan balance is updated.
    • Annual: Updates the entire amount of the benefit enrollment.
    • Monthly: Performs a partial update based on the through date you select. An entire whole months' worth of transactions are calculated.
    • Periodic: Performs a partial update based on the through date you select. Hours are calculated based on one of these:
      • The number of pay periods between the Benefit Start Date and the Through Date.
      • The number of periods between the last Updated Thorough Date and the Through date.
    Through Date
    Specify a date through which the monthly or periodic update should be performed. This field is not used for the Annual frequency option.
    Transaction Date
    Specify the date that is used to create the manual transactions that update the absence plan balances.
    Specify whether to create a preview list or to create the Vacation Buy Sell transactions.
    • List Buy Sell Transactions: Creates a list of buy sell transactions for selected parameters.
    • Create Buy Sell Transactions: Creates buy sell transactions based on selected criteria.Important: Use the same selection criteria to Create Buy Sell Transactions as you did when you generated the list of buy sell transactions.

      See Update fields in set actions

  4. Click OK to process the action immediately or click Schedule to schedule the process to run later.
  5. When Create Buy Sell Transactions has finished processing, use these instructions to view and take action on the results.
    • To view pending transactions, select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Benefits Vacation Buy Sell > Transactions. Select the Pending tab.
    • To view and fix exceptions, select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Benefits Vacation Buy Sell > Transactions. Select the Exceptions tab.

      See Fixing vacation buy sell exceptions.

    • To view created transactions, select Absence Management > Processing > Manual Transactions > By Organization. Filter on one of the these transaction types: Sell From Available or Purchase From Available.