Approving a leave of absence request

Administrators can approve leaves of absence that have a status of Requested. If a leave has been rejected, they can set it back to Approved.

When a leave status is Approved:

  • The resource, manager, and absence administrator can see the request in its Approved status.
  • The resource, manager or absence administrator can update the request. The result is that the status is changed back to Requested and the person who updated it is set as the initiator.
  • If the resource or the administrator updates the request, it is not available to the manager.
  • If the manager or the administrator updates the request, it is available to both the resource and manager.
  • The resource, manager, or absence administrator can cancel an approved request. Canceled requests not displayed on the resource and manager views. The administrator can still view them, update them, and change their status back to Requested or Approved.
  1. Select Absence Management > Maintain Absences > Leaves of Absence.
  2. Select the Pending tab.
  3. Select a leave request from the list and click Approve.
    The status changes to Approved. The request becomes available to both the resource and the manager.

    When the status is Approved you can still update the leave and keep the Approved status, or update the leave and change the status. You can also cancel the leave.

    Resources and managers can update an Approved leave. This automatically changes the status back to Requested.