Buying or selling vacation time

If your organization offers a benefit plan where resources can buy or sell vacation hours, you can create dedicated buy or sell benefit plans in the Benefits application. Then link it to an absence plan. Use the benefit plan to establish the number of hours that can be bought or sold. Absence plan enrollment contains the vacation hours balance and it must be updated for the hours bought or sold.

After you link a benefits plan to an absence plan, all eligibility groups within the plan qualify for the buy and sell benefit. If certain eligibility groups are not qualified for the benefit, use Absence Plan Benefit Groups to exclude them.

After the plan is defined, a resource enrolls in the benefit plan to buy or sell vacation hours.

You can create an additional allocation for any resource plans that are associated with a vacation plan. Additional allocation is what divides bought or sold hours into the resource's absence plans.

To process allocation records, run Create Buy Sell Transactions to create manual transactions before running Process Plans.

Defining Vacation Buy Sell Plans