Allowing compensatory time off requests

If you select the Allow Compensatory Time Off Requests check box when defining the absence plan, the Compensatory Options tab is available.

  1. Select Absence Management > Set Up > Plans and Components > Plans.
  2. Select a plan.
  3. Select the Compensatory Options tab and specify this information:
    Enter Requests In
    Select whether compensatory time off requests are specified in hours or days.
    Note: This option cannot be changed after compensatory time off requests exist for this plan.
    Full Day Hours
    Specify the number of hours that equal a full day. The value that is specified must meet this criteria:
    • Greater than zero
    • Greater than or equal to the minimum daily hours
    • Less than or equal to the maximum daily hours
    Daily Hours Range
    This is the minimum and maximum hours per day for which a resource can request compensatory time off.
    Request Types Allowed
    These options are available when the Enter Compensatory Time Off In field is Days.
    • Full Day: Select whether compensatory time off requests can be specified for a full day.
    • Half Day: Select whether compensatory time off requests can be specified for a half day.
    • Quarter Day: Select whether compensatory time off requests can be specified for a quarter day.
    • Other Hours: Select whether compensatory time off requests can be specified for a number of hours that may be different than a full day, half day or quarter day. If this field is selected, then specify a range of the valid other hours values.
  4. Click Save.