Transfer options

There are three methods for transferring resource plans. One method is used to transfer data from one resource plan at a time. The other two methods enable a mass transfer of data from multiple resource plans at once.

Transfers by resource

Transfer Plans by Resource is used to transfer data such as dates and balances, from one individual resource plan to another. A new resource plan can be created in the process, or data can be moved from one existing resource plan to another existing resource plan.

To perform this action, the plans from and to which the transfer is occurring must have the same balance type. With this method, you have an opportunity to change the various data values before completing the transfer. Transaction History Detail is not transferred with this action.

Transfers by eligibility group

Mass Plan Transfers By Eligibility Group is used to transfer all or only selected resources from a designated plan to another designated plan. Resources may be limited to selected employment IDs, a resource group, an organization unit group, transfer expiration date and transfer expiring history. Use this set action to move the selected balances and other designated data from a resource plan to another existing resource plan. You can also create the new resource plan, if required.

Optionally, transaction detail history can be moved from one plan to another. Use this option when replacing an existing plan with a new plan due to changes in the plan policy or accrual calculations. To perform this action, the plans from and to which the transfer is occurring must have the same balance type.

Transfers by accrual end date

Mass Plan Transfers by Accrual End Date: This action is used to transfer any non-zero balances from an ended resource plan record to another existing, active, resource plan record. An example of when this option is used: after a run of Recalculate Enrollments when a resource is no longer eligible for one eligibility group, but is eligible for another or is updated to a new position.

Resources can be selected by employment ID, resource group, organization unit group. The Transfer From and Transfer To plan is determined by the set action parameters. The Transfer From plans selected are those with non-zero balance amounts, with accrual end dates within the date range specified on the parameters, and those with the Automatic Balance Transfer option of Include or Transfer To Only. The Transfer To plan to receive the transferred balance amounts depends on the Transfer Criteria option selected. These plans must have the Automatic Balance Transfer option of Include or Transfer To Only.

The first resource plan record found that meets the criteria is the record to which the balances are transferred. The list is sorted alphabetically by plan type/eligibility group. Transactions to zero out the balances on the Transfer From plan are automatically created with this action, it is not an option.