About replication categories and rules

Replication uses a combination of categories and rules to perform the required replication. Replication categories are used to define the type of replication to perform. Replication rules determine what the source and target locations for the data are, as well as directives regarding the times and ways in which replication is to take place.

Factory Track includes two replication categories "out of the box". Other Mongoose-based applications might include additional default replication categories. You can use these categories in your replication rules, or you can create additional categories as needed.

Replication categories can be quite complicated, potentially involving multiple tables and stored procedures. To define your own replication categories, use the Replication Categories form.

For information about any additional default replication categories that are defined for your application, see your application’s documentation.

In setting up replication operations, you must create rules that, in conjunction with the categories, determine what data gets replicated, along with where and when it gets replicated.

Note:  Replication to or from a site on an external intranet cannot be transactional. It must be non-transactional (asynchronous). If you set up a rule that violates this, an error message is displayed.

After creating a replication rule, you must make sure to regenerate the replication triggers to activate the category-rule definition.

Adding new categories and rules requires significant knowledge of the database and business rules. If multiple tables are related, the order of replication can be critical. Improperly creating and executing replication categories and rules can result in catastrophic loss of data. Ensure that all such development and testing is performed in a controlled pilot environment prior to implementation. We strongly recommend that you contact Infor Consulting Services for assistance before creating (or attempting to create) your own replication categories and rules.