
Use this form to define intranets for this application. Intranets represent logical groupings of sites in your enterprise. An intranet can represent a grouping of application sites that exist together on a network, and for which you want common administration.

Common administration can include these kinds of operations:

  • Replication
  • Implementation of data and document storage in the Infor Documentation Management (IDM) repository
  • Use of the Infor Data Lake by means of Infor Messaging Service (IMS) JSON data transactions
    Note: To create an intranet for use with IMS and the Data Lake, see the Mongoose Configuration Guide for Infor Operating Service.
  • Communications between your application and Infor ION-based applications
  • Creation of master sites

An intranet can also represent an external application not built on Mongoose. This allows you to set up replication rules between this application's sites and external systems.

After defining your intranets, use the Sites form to define this application's database sites and assign them to an intranet.

Note: In some Mongoose-based applications, this is designated as the Sites/Entities form.

For example, if you have two sites in one data center and two sites on a different data center, define two intranets, one for each data center, and put the sites from each data center on those intranets.

You cannot delete an existing intranet definition if either of these statements is true:

  • Any site refers to that intranet.
  • The intranet contains shared tables.

Use the SMTP fields on the Reporting tab to set up sending of email from TaskMan or the Application Event System.