DataView Inputs
This form is used to prompt users for input parameters on predefined DataView queries, in cases where input parameter values are not already provided. Users can then choose whether or not to provide the requested parameter values.
If multiple input parameters do not have values, this form prompts the user for one parameter at a time in turn.
When the user clicks
(whether or not any parameter values have been provided), the system proceeds to perform the query, using whatever values have been provided. In cases where a requested input parameter value has been requested but not provided, the system uses all available values for that parameter.If the user clicks
, the system runs the DataView without any input parameter values. In this case, all available data is returned.This form can only be invoked by one of these means:
- On the DataViews Setup form, select and launch a DataView that
has input parameters for which no values are supplied.
This causes the system to use this form to prompt the user for input parameter values.
- From the DataView Results form, from the menu, select .
This option allows you to reperform a DataView query without having to close the DataView Results form and start over.
- Use a report criteria form (associated with a predefined DataView that includes input parameters for which no values are supplied) to preview or print the DataView report.