
This form defines a site by a code and a description. Sites may then be grouped together under a Multi-Site Group ID. This ID is defined on the Site Groups form. Additional sites may be added at a later time as required by your situation.

Use the System Info tab to specify system details, including the type, language used, and time zone for a site.

Use the Site User Map tab to define non-transactional replication between the local site (the "From" site) and the target site (the currently selected site record). Note the following:

  • This tab should contain, at most, one Site User Map record for the currently selected site record.
  • The site record for the local site should never have a Site User Map record.
  • Only sites performing non-transactional replication with the local site should have a Site User Map record defined.
  • The User Name entered here must be defined at both the source and target sites.

Use the Link Info tab to perform these tasks:

  • Universally disable replication from the local site to another site without changing the replication rules
  • Set up or view information about linked servers.
Note:  Rows on this tab may not be deleted if the Site and the To Site are in the same intranet and one of the sites is the master site of that intranet.