IDO Extension Class Assemblies
Use this form to manage IDO extension class assemblies stored in the Objects database.
IDO extension class .NET methods are implemented in IDO extension classes and compiled into an assembly that must be imported into the Objects database. These assemblies are loaded on demand by the IDO runtime.
- Select Binary Only to maintain the source code in a source
control system.
The accompanying Symbols file, which is created when the VB .NET code is compiled into a DLL, may also be imported into the Objects database, to allow debugging of the extension class assembly. This process is optional.
After you enter the IDO extension class assembly name and import both files, you must save the assembly record. The IDO extension class assembly name is then available for selection on the IDOs form.
You can check in or out the source code in the source control system.
- Select Build From Source to create, extend, and replace the
source code within the Mongoose framework.
You can check in or out the source code through the IDO Extension Class Source Code form. This form is accessible through the button.