Use this field to specify variable definitions as name-value pairs. For multiple variables, include them as a comma-separated list.
To construct the name-value pairs using the Event Action Set Name/Value Pairs form, click the button to the left of this field.
The contents of this field must use the following syntax for each variable:
varName = scalarExpr
- varName is the name of the variable. If the variable does not exist when the event is executed, the system creates the variable when needed.
- scalarExpr is the value to be assigned to that variable when the event action executes.
When you click Event Actions form, the system "wraps" this content within a SETVARVALUES( ) parameter, which yields this final syntax:
to return to theSETVARVALUES( varName = scalarExpr, ... )
The system does not prevent you from including a null value for a variable (such as myVar = ) on this form, but doing so generates a syntax error. To designate a null value for the value of a variable, use a double set of quotation marks (myVar = "").