This is the web address of the asynchronous interface to this intranet. It is used primarily for replication and for Data Lake/IMS messaging.
When replication occurs between sites on different intranets, XML documents are routed to this URL for the target site. When IMS is being used to route data to the Data Lake, this is the URL to which that data is to be sent.
When performing non-transactional replication that does not use IMS/Data Lake for inbound documents, use this field to designate the URL for the inbound queue Active Server Page.
It might also be used by system integrators for programmatic access to a site on this intranet.
You must specify a fully qualified URL, for example:
- http://zorak/mg_app/InboundQueue.asp
- https://muzak/myDev/InboundQueue/InboundQueue.asp