Tree View
This field displays the XML structure of the BOD to be sent during the Send BOD event action. This display uses a tree-and-branch hierarchy to show the relationships between parts of the document.
You can expand or collapse sections of the BOD with the plus and minus icons, or you can expand or collapse all levels of the BOD with the
and buttons.To assign a value to a branch, or node, of the tree, select the node in this field. Then use the Node Text field to create and assign the value.
You can perform these actions:
- Save node values as expressions or as literal text:
- Values saved as expressions can be identified by the #Txt: prefix.
- Values saved as literal strings can be identified by the #Exp: prefix.
- Add nodes as elements. Name the node and then click .
- Add attributes to nodes/elements. Click Enter Name below to Add/Rename field: . If you do not first specify a name for the attribute in the
- The system, by default uses the element name, prefixed with @, as the attribute name.
- You can go back later and rename the attribute by selecting the attribute, entering the new name in the Enter Name below to Add/Rename field, and then clicking .
- Delete nodes (elements or attributes). Select the node and then click .
For more information, see the help about the Send BOD Event Action and using the Send BOD Event Action.