Use this option to restrict access to an attached document or file so that it cannot be accessed by means of the Customer Portal or the Vendor Portal.
On the Attached Documents form, select this check box to restrict access to an attached document.
On the Event Action Attach form, this field is called Document Internal and is set to TRUE or FALSE. When attached documents are used in conjunction with the application event system, the Send Email action ignores files for which this check box is selected. Internal files can only be sent to email recipients using a Notify or Prompt action.
This field is optional with Attach and Update document actions.
The contents of this field must use this syntax:
where Boolean is or resolves to TRUE or FALSE.
When you click Event Actions form, the system "wraps" this content within a DOCINTERNAL( ) parameter, which yields this final syntax:
to return to theDOCINTERNAL(Boolean)