Optionally, use this field to specify the content that is to be generated for the body of the message and formatted in HTML for an email. The content in this field is used only for message content being sent by email; internal system messages ignore this field.

To construct the HTML message body using dynamic elements and expressions, click the button to the left of this field.

If this field is employed, the system tries to use this content first when sending email messages. If the recipient's email client is not set up to handle HTML-formatted content, then the system reverts to the regular Body field content in plain text.

If this field is empty, the system uses the Body field (plain text) for both internal and email message formats.

  • You can use functions, such as the SUBSTITUTE function, to enhance or increase the flexibility of your message body. This allows you to have content generated dynamically, based on the conditions at the time the event is generated.
  • If you plan to create many messages that use HTML for email body text, you can create specially designated "snippets" of text in expressions and then use those expressions to embed the HTML code in your message body.
  • The HTML message body should typically be identical in substance with the regular Body field content, but with HTML formatting added. Therefore, typically, you should normally create your regular Body message content first, and then duplicate it and add the desired HTML formatting for this field.

The contents of this field must use this syntax:


where scalarExpr is a literal string or resolves to an expression that can be displayed as text.

When you click OK to return to the Event Actions form, the system "wraps" this content within an HTMLBODY( ) parameter, which yields this final syntax:

HTMLBODY( scalarExpr )

Note:  If scalarExpr is a literal value, the system automatically encloses it in double quotation marks when returning it to the Event Actions form. If scalarExpr is an expression, the system does not enclose it in quotation marks.