FAX Header
These substitution keywords are available:
- BG~ERRFILE~: A file in which any error messages are recorded. The keyword applies only to Windows Fax and Infor Framework Fax Service. Error messages are added to the end of the file if it exists; otherwise, the file is created. The content of the file is copied into the Background Task History record for the report task.
BG~FAXSERVER~ The name of the fax server
machine. The keyword applies only to Windows Fax and Infor Framework Fax
Service. If BG~FAXSERVER~ is omitted from a fax header or if the
Fax Server field on the
Intranets form is blank, then the default fax
server name at run time is as follows:
- If Windows Fax is configured, then the server name is the name of the TaskMan machine. Windows Fax uses a modem on the TaskMan machine.
- If Infor Framework Fax Service is used, the server name is the name of the machine on which the service runs.
BG~OUTPUTFILE~ The report output file created in
the directory
on the TaskMan machine. With Infor Framework Fax Service, the file is accessed
directly from this directory. Third-party software may access it differently.
To code line breaks in a fax header, use " \n"; TaskMan replaces " \n" with a new line. The leading blank space is required.