Setup to integrate from "on-premises" to MTC Data Lake
If you are using Factory Track (or another Mongoose-based application) in an "on-premises" installation, you can use the Data Lake in a multi-tenant cloud (MTC) environment. The procedure to set this up is fairly complicated, and we recommend that you enlist the help of Infor Customer Support when trying to accomplish this.
This setup involves three different systems:
- Factory Track replication
- ION Desk
This topic outlines the basic process to set this up. Only the Factory Track replication parts of this process are described in detail. For assistance with ION API and ION Desk, see the documentation for those systems.
Begin by verifying that you have these pre-requisites:
- A tenancy in the MTC, with both ION API and ION
Desk provisioned Note: If your tenancy has the same Mongoose-based application added in ION API provisioning as the on-premises application you are integrating to Data Lake, you might have trouble distinguishing between the two ION API suites when you try to select the ION API suite in Step 9. That is because you might have one suite provisioned that corresponds to the MTC application, and another, non-provisioned, suite that corresponds to the on-premises installation, and they could have the same name.
- A user account that has appropriate administrative privileges in Factory Track, ION API, and
ION Desk
Administrative privileges in Factory Track must include user management.
- The REST service provisioned on Factory Track and set to use
Your Factory Track server must be accessible from the public Internet, including a DNS address.
Note: This requirement was applicable at the time this feature was first implemented. ION API has since released a feature for this type of hybrid environment that allows MTC ION API to access a non-public, on-premises API using the "Enterprise Connector". The setup for that is beyond the scope of this topic.OAuth 1.0 must be enabled in the web.config file, by setting the enableRestWorkstationLogin attribute to True, and by choosing appropriate values for the restOAuthConsumerKey and restOAuthConsumerSecret attributes.
- A tenancy in the MTC, with both ION API and ION
Desk provisioned
Create an authorized back-end app in ION API for your
on-premises installation.
When created, download the .ionapi file. When you download it, make sure that the Create Service Account option is selected. There is, however, no need to designate a user identity for the service account.
Create an API suite in ION API for your on-premises
When creating this suite, use these settings:
- Select the Infor non-provisioned option.
- Select the template that is appropriate for your on-premises application.
- Use your on-premises application server name and the consumer key/secret from your OAuth 1.0 settings (both from Step 1).
In your on-premises installation, create an ION API server entry for the MTC
This must be done in the configuration site that you plan to use to replicate data to the Data Lake. Upload the .ionapi file you downloaded in Step 2.
Use appropriate values for the STS URL and Token URL fields.
On the Intranets form, create an intranet for the Data
Use these settings:
- External
- Select this option.
- Transport
- Select ESB.
- ION Transfer Type
- Select ION Messaging.
- Select this option.
- ION API Server
- Select the server created in the previous step.
- API Context
- Leave this at the default setting (/IONSERVICES).
On the Sites form, create a site entry for the Data Lake
in the on-premises application.
Use the intranet you created in the previous step.
On the Site User Map tab, create a map entry using sa or another suitable administrative user account ID for the user.
When creating this site, you must be sure to provide a logical ID (LID) for your on-premises Mongoose-based application; for example: lid://infor.mongoose.opmongoose
Configure a table to replicate to the Data Lake:
Note: The instructions in this step are intended solely as representative examples of the required fields and values for the replication categories and rules. The fields listed are, for the most part, required. The details of the values you use might be different, depending on the administrative requirements of your system.
Use the Replication Categories form to create a
category with these specifications:
- Replication Transfer Type
- Set to Data Lake.
- Table Or Function
- Enter the name of the table to be replicated.
- Object Type
- Select Table.
Use the Replication Rules form to create a rule
with these specifications (at a minimum):
- Source Site
- Select the site from which the data is to be replicated.
- Target Site
- Select the site you created in the previous step.
- Category
- Select the replication category you created in the previous sub-step.
- Interval Type
- Select Immediate.
- Disable Replication
- Clear.
- Update All Columns
- Clear.
- Use the Replication Management form to regenerate the replication triggers.
Use the Service Configuration Manager to configure
- On the Replication tab,
add the configuration that corresponds to the site being
replicated. Note: In the Edit Replication Donfiguration dialog box, do NOT select the Master Site option.
- Do NOT start or restart the Replicator service or the host application at this time.
- On the Replication tab,
add the configuration that corresponds to the site being
Use the Replication Categories form to create a
category with these specifications:
Create a service user account in the MTC tenant UI:
- Click the "person" icon at the upper right corner of the sign-in page and select the User Management option.
- From the menu on the left, select Manage > Service Accounts.
- Create a new service account.
Save the record.
When you are asked if you want to download a CSV file, confirm it.
In the MTC ION Desk app, create a connection point for
your on-premises Factory Track installation.
- For the Type, select IMS through ION API.
To select the ION API suite for the IMS endpoint, click Select.
From the drop-down list, select the suite you created in Step 3, and the discovery operation that is displayed.
- To import the service account credentials and upload the CSV file saved in the previous step, click Import.
In the ION API Client ID
field, enter the value of the client ID from the ION API authorized app
definition you created in Step 2.
This is where you specify for ION API the LID for your Mongoose-based application. The first part of the LID is "hard-coded" as:
Use the Type field to specify the product type of the application; for example, mongoose.
Use the Name field to specify the name used for your particular on-premises installation; for example, opmongoose.
This creates a logical ID similar to this:
When finished, this must match the LID you entered in Step 6. - Optionally, to make sure the basic connection is working, click Test.
- Activate the connection point.
In the MTC ION Desk app, create a Data Lake flow:
Add an application step named for your Mongoose-based application; for example, something like
Mongoose or CSI.
Use the plus sign (+) to add the connection point created in the previous step.
- After the application step, add Ingest to a Data Lake step.
Between the two new steps, click the document icon and use the plus
sign (+) to add a document that corresponds to the table you set up for
replication in Step 7.
Note: To create the document definition, you might need to first accomplish the next step.
Add an application step named for your Mongoose-based application; for example, something like
Mongoose or CSI.
Select and perform one of these actions:
- In your on-premises Mongoose-based application, open the Generate Data Lake Schema form, and generate the Data Lake schema:
- For the Site, select the site you created in Step 6.
- Click Generate Schema.
- Alternatively, you can import document definitions from the ION side:
- In the ION Desk app, select the Connection Points page.
- Click the connection point you created in Step 9, and select the Documents tab.
Click the Refresh (circular arrow) icon.
The system displays a message about the document definitions being added for the tables being replicated.
- Click OK, and then save to update the documents.
- In the ION Desk app, verify that there is a new document schema for the tables being replicated.
Test to verify that replication is being done as expected:
- Open a form associated with the table being replicated, change some data on that form, and save.
In the ION Desk app, verify that there is a new
document that resulted from the record being changed in your on-premises
Mongoose-based application:
This is done by going to the OneView page and searching for records created recently—typically, within the past hour.