Working with team maintenance form
To configure the Workset Maintenance data:
- Open the Team Maintenance form.
- Click Create a New Team. If the values in the form are cleared you can specify a team ID in the Team field.
- Specify the team name or team badge ID, to create a new team.
- Select Active, to enable or disable team active status. This field is enabled only if the team has no active tasks.
- Select Add a New Member on the Members tab. A new line is created in the grid. Click Switch Team to remove team members from the current team and add to the new team.
Use the Members tab to:
- Review the employee ID
- Review the employee ID and details such as work group, department, and employee type.
- Review the date on which the member is added to the team. For new members, the current date is defaulted.
- Assign the team leader role to an existing team member. The team leader role enables the member to perform activities such as start and stop operation. By default, this role is assigned to the first team member. This role can also be assigned to more than one member in the team. However, the team must have at least one lead assigned at any given point of time.
- Click Start All to select the team members to be removed from the current team.
Select a team ID with an Active status in the New Team field.
Note: You can use the Remove option to remove the members from the current team.