Receiving returned material

  1. Select Icon Menu > Ship It > RMA Receipts. The RMA Receipts transaction form is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The warehouse at which the RMA request is received. The value is defaulted based on the warehouse configured for the user and the transaction.
    Note: You must select the warehouse in case the default warehouse is not specified.
    The customer for whom there is at least one open RMA line associated with the warehouse.
    The RMA ID for the current warehouse and customer combination.
    The ID of the receiving line item for the RMA. If the specified line is Open, the RMA line details such as item, item description, item open quantities and UOM are defaulted.
    The Item specified on the receiving line for the RMA. If the specified line item is Open, the RMA line details such as the RMA line, item description, open quantities and UOM are defaulted.
  3. Click Next. The list of all the Open RMA lines are displayed.
    This screen is not displayed in case only one RMA line exists.
  4. Select the RMA line from the list and click Next. The RMA line details screen is displayed.
    The values of the RMA line, item, item description, item quantity and warehouse are defaulted.
  5. Specify this information:
    The type of operation to be performed for the RMA. Possible values:
    • Receive: Use this option to process the RMA return transaction for receiving the goods from the customer against the RMA line
    • Reverse: Use this option to process the negative quantity receipt against the received quantity of the RMA line selected. The reversed quantity, after processing, would add to the ordered quantity and gets reduced from the received quantity.
    Note: By default, the value is set to Receive.
    The reason code for processing the reverse operation.
    Note: This field is displayed only when the type of operation is set to Reverse.
    The required item quantity.
    • When the type of operation is set to Receive, the net item quantity of the RMA line is displayed. This quantity is the difference between the RMA line quantity and the number of quantities received until now.
    • When the type of operation is set to Reverse, the received quantity of RMA line is displayed. The user can return the quantity less than or equal to this quantity.
    The location of the item. This value is defaulted from CSI. However, the user can modify this value.
    The lot number.
    • This field is displayed only for the lot-controlled items.
    • If the RMA line is associated with a customer order line and the FDA lots tracked implemented parameter is enabled, the user must specify the lot number used (shipped) for the associated customer order line.
    • If the RMA line is not associated with a customer order line, the user can specify an existing lot number.
    • When the type of operation is set to Reverse, the user can only select the lot from the existing inventory item lot location.
    • Processing a reverse transaction for a non-existing lot is possible based on the CSI and FT Negative inventory parameters.
    • If this value is not specified, the application generates a new lot number based on Generate Lot, the CSI inventory parameter.
    The quantity of items returned by the customer.
    • This quantity must not be more than the available open quantity.
    • For Reverse operation type, the quantity is always less than or equal to the quantity that has been received for the RMA line.
    To Container
    Indicate if the container must be specified for receipt of the item.
    • This field is displayed only when the type of operation is Receive and if the Containers in Use parameter is enabled in the Global Parameters form.
    • If this value is set to Yes, you can specify the ID of Container to receive the item.
  6. Click Next. The Cost details screen is displayed. The RMA line related data, including the cost data (such as material cost, labor cost, fixed and variable overhead costs) is defaulted. However, you can modify the cost data.
    • This option is displayed only if the Allow User to Edit Receive Costs parameter is selected on the Transaction Set Maintenance form or if the item is Serialized to take the user to the next screen.
    • If the Allow User to Edit Receive Costs parameter is not selected, or if the item is Non-serialized, the Receive option is displayed and the user can complete the receipt process for the items.
  7. Click Next. The Serial Entry screen is displayed which allows a user to scan serial numbers.
    Note: The item and quantity data are defaulted.
  8. Specify this information:
    Generate Serials
    Indicate how the serial number must be generated for the item.
    Note: If this field is set to Yes, the serial number is generated automatically. Select No to manually specify the serial number.
    The serial number of an item.
    • For the Receive operation type, the serial number is specified based on these possible scenarios:
      • if the RMA line is associated with a customer order line, the user can specify the serial used (shipped) for the customer order line with status O.
      • if the RMA line is not associated with a customer order line, the user can scan a new serial number or an existing out of inventory serial number.
    • For the Reverse operation type, the user can scan/enter/select an existing inventory serial for the item, warehouse, location combination with status I.
    • For every valid scan, the application increments the value in the Scanned field by 1. When this value (Scanned quantity) matches the value in the Total Quantity field, the Receive option is displayed and Serial field is disabled.
  9. Click Receive. The RMA request is processed successfully.
    Note: The application prints the labels if the transaction is configured to print labels automatically. Else, the Label Printing screen is displayed wherein you can specify the required details. See Printing Labels.