Dashboard Transactions

Use this form to clock in, clock out, start a job or task, and report the completed quantities.

Employee and Transaction Entry

You can specify this information:

  • Transaction date: The date on which the transaction is performed.
  • Transaction time: The time at which the transaction is performed.
  • Transaction mode: The mode of the transaction.
    Possible values:
    • Hours
    • Machine
  • Employee: The employee number.
  • Report Date: The date on which the transaction is reported.

Add Job

This section is used to add a job or task for an employee. The fields are displayed only when the selected employee is clocked in for the specified transaction date and time.

Current Job

This section displays the current job or task for an employee. This data is displayed only when the employee's job is in progress on the selected transaction date and time.
  • If the Operation is a Machine operation and if the combine labor and machine check box is selected for the employee type, the Machine field is displayed on the RealtimeTransactionEntry and the Dashboard Transaction form.
  • The user can specify a value either in Machine field or in the Resource field.

Records Section

This section displays the employee records when an employee has an activity assigned on the selected report date.The data is displayed only in the Details and Progress tabs.