Viewing records using the Hours Detail form

  1. Select TimeTrack Forms > Hours Detail. The Hours Detail form is displayed.
  2. Select an employee.
  3. Specify the header information such as the employee number, employee name, and report date.
  4. Specify the required information in the Job Hours section. You can specify data such as regular, overtime, double time, and unpaid hours. For each category, hours are tallied as clocked, clocked on a holiday, clocked on a holiday but not eligible for overtime, or absent, along with total hours. The Current field displays hours for the selected record, while the Total displays all hours for the selected report date.
  5. Select these tabs to view the additional data:
    Job Details
    This tab dislays the task code, work center, machine, project number, and team ID.
    This tab displays the completed quantity, rejected quantity, moved quantity, and a reason field.
    Note: Quantities can be specified here only if the previous value is set to zero. After the value is specified, you must open the Transactions form to modify the quantity fields.
    This tab displays the remarks associated with approval or processing.
    Show All
    This tab displays all the available data.
    Note:  The adjusted values are displayed in red.