Viewing records using the Elapsed Time Details form

  1. Select TimeTrack Forms > Elapsed Time Details. The Elapsed Time Details form is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The employee ID for which the records must be displayed.
    Report Date
    The date for which the records must be displayed.
    Note: The elapsed time hours records for the selected employee and report date are displayed in the Daily Labor Information tab.
  3. Select the required filters in the Labor Information section to view additional data fields. Possible values:
    The number and type of hours recorded.
    The completed quantity, rejected quantity, and the reason code for rejections.
    Indicate whether the record is posted to ERP, any ERP error message, whether the record is submitted, and the time and date the record is submitted.
    The remarks associated with approval or processing.
    Select All
    All available data fields.
  4. Select the Daily Labor Totals tab to view hours totals.
    Note: If attendance hours are being recorded, the attendance records for the selected report date are displayed in the Attendance section.