Using toolbar options
Use the Time Track toolbar options to perform common tasks and procedures. These
options are displayed based on the form you access:
- : Allows you to name and save a set of selection criteria.
- : Allows you to load a previously saved set of selection criteria.
- : Allows you to authorize all exceptions and revalidate the selected records.
- : Allows you to insert the Gap Fill task (defined in the Employee Type) into any unassigned durations during the selected shift record.
- : Allows you to delete any Gap Fill tasks that have been generated for the selected shift record.
- : Allows you to insert a full-shift default absence on any selected shift record.
- : Allows you to select all displayed records.
- : Allows you to deselect all displayed records.
- : Allows you to endorse the employee record. This is the first step of the two-step sign-off procedure. Approved records can still be modified.
- : Allows you to lock in the approved record. This is the second step of the two-step sign-off procedure. Processed records cannot be edited unless you reopen them.
- : Allows to approve and process the record in a single step. Processed records cannot be edited unless you reopen them.
- : Allows you to return a processed record to open (editable) status, or to clear authorizations for an open record. Records that have already been payroll processed cannot be reopened. For kiosk users, this option reverses the approval, but does not reopen the record. Kiosk users cannot modified processed records.
- : Allows you to configure temporary schedule changes, in which employees clock in and out at different times from their normally-scheduled shifts.
- : Allows you to configure shift parameters, such as description, shift types, core hours, and shift premiums.
- : Allows you to create an absence for today's shift for each selected record.
- : Allows you to view scheduled holidays for the current facility.
- : Allows you to display planned absences for the selected employee for a tracking year.
- ABS Summary Balance: Allows you to display absence tracking record for the selected employee for a tracking year.
- : Allows you to display the detailed level information for the specified team that includes the current job and employees working in the team.
- Dashboard Transactions form, where you can clock in, clock out, start a job or task, report quantities completed, and record absences. : Allows you to open the
- Payroll Summary form, where you can view hourly records and perform administrative functions for a specified payroll schedule. : Allows you to open the
- Employees form, where you can configure employee account information. Select an employee in the Hours Detail form before clicking to access information for that employee. : Allows you to open the
- : Allows you to save any modified records.
- : Allows you to delete a record. Job records without reported quantities, indirect task records, and absence records can be deleted, while clock-in records, clock-out records, and jobs with reported quantities cannot.
- : Allows you to account for excess clocked hours.
- : Allows you to adjust Start and End times to the scheduled values. You can use this option only if the clocked hours are more than scheduled
- Iclick : Allows you to adjust start and end times to the threshold of authorized overtime.You can use this option if clocked hours exceed authorized overtime for the shift. Select a detail record to apply error correction to that detail only; for example, to adjust a lunch break punch in/out without adjusting the punch in/out for the entire shift.
- : Allows you to clear error messages from the dashboard.
- : Allows you to display premiums next to each clocked-hours or absence-hours record that is eligible for a premium. Premiums are calculated automatically when payroll is processed, so this step is optional.
- : Allows you to lock records, calculate premiums, and update status for all selected records to Payroll Processed.
- : Allows you to open the hour summary form for the respective payroll summary form.
- : Allows you to open the hours detail form for the respective payroll detail form.
- : Allows you to open the payroll details form for the respective payroll detail form.
- Allow Revert Processed
Payroll: Payroll status is allowed to revert from Payroll
Processed to Submitted and the icon is enabled in both the Payroll
Summary and Payroll Detail forms.Note: The user has access to the employee’s work group if the Restore Payroll to Submitted privilege set to Yes.
- TimeSheet Summary form for the respective payroll summary form. : Allows you to open the
- Supervisor Time Off Request Disposition: Allows you to open the Supervisor Time Off Request Disposition form for the detailed level and calendar level work group information sheet along with the supervisor's comments for the employee's request.
- Incident Forgiveness to set the incident to forgive status. This is performed by the supervisor.
- Post To ERP: Allows you to post the records selected to the selected ERPs.
- TimeSheet Detail form for the respective payroll detail form. : Allows you to open the
- Revert Complete: Allows you to revert and complete the punches performed by the employee on the Hours Detail form.
- Machine Time Details: Allows you to display the machine hour detail for an employee for a particular job operation from the Hours Detail form.
- Get Favorite Job: Allows you to assign the favorite job to the employee.
- Set Favorite Job: Allows you to set the job assigned to the employee as the favorite job.
- Facilities form. : Allows you to create a CSV file for export to a payroll application. The extract will be saved to the output location you define on the
- : Allows you to reopen an extracted record. You can then edit, save, and re-extract the record.