Starting and stopping jobs

  1. Select Form > Open > Job Booking. The Job Booking form is displayed.
    Note: The Allow Indirect Job parameter must be selected for this transaction on the Transaction Set Maintenance form, to start indirect tasks.
  2. Specify the date and time, if required.
    • The current date and time are defaulted.
    • You can modify this value based on the authorizations provided on the User Extensions form.
  3. Scan your employee ID number or team number in the Employee field.
    • If the Workset Enabled check box is selected for your user name on the Employees form, the Running/Queue field displays the number of jobs running or queued in your workset.
    • If you have only one job running, the job number or code is displayed.
  4. Select the order type in the Type field.
  5. Click Next. The fields are displayed based on the selected Type.
  6. Specify the required information.
  7. Click Process to start the job.
  8. Click Stop to stop the job.