Configuring the help middle segment

The middle segment of a help URL designates the language and culture of the set of help files to be accessed. By default, these values are set to Language/en-US/, but if you want to view the help in another language you can change these values. Then, if help for the designated culture exists, the help displays in that language. If not, the system reverts to U.S. English (en-US).

Note: Currently, the Mongoose help is available only in U.S. English.

To modify this middle segment for an application:

  1. Launch Mongoose and open the Language IDs form.
    The middle segment of the help URL is controlled by the entry in the Help Sub Dir column. This column displays the name of the subdirectory on the web server that contains the online help for the selected language.

    Generally, the Help Sub Dir values are the same as for the Language ID, which is the "language-culture" designation, when translated help files exist for a given language. But, by default, any language for which translations are not provided, this field is set to U.S. English (en-US).

    You can change the Help Sub Dir value so that the help points to a different language. For example, if you wanted the interface to display in French (France), but the help to display in Canadian French, you can change the Help Sub Dir for fr-FR to fr-CA.

  2. Select the language entry for which you want to redirect the help middle segment.
  3. In the Help Sub Dir column, enter the language-culture value for the language you want to use for the help.
  4. Click the Save button.